Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let's try this again...

Hey ya'll...Been awhile huh? I will try it again..Let me start with updates..

Mi'hijo is now 6 and in the first grade! He reads, is a math whiz, and i love him to death. I struggle with the balancing act all the time of single parenthood and work, school, life. He is worth every minute of it though. My comadre helps me out so much with that. She is my role model. She has 4 kids, and her oldest has just been accepted to several great colleges. I want to be just like her when i grow up.

I am still at the same job. I have been promoted a few times, am now Lead Family Law paralegal, and my boss is waiting for me to accept the Office Manager position. I am hesitant, as it's already hard with the couple people I supervise, and the few projects I head. Resentment is rampant, and people ain't afraid of showing it. I'll save the drama for un otro dia. Give ya something to look forward to, haha.

Still with my boyfriend. We are still taking things as they come. Our relationship is not conventional in any way, but he is a great man, and I'm glad he is in my life. I'm sure there will be future posts dedicated to our relationship. ;)

I am also still striving for home ownership. It will come, maybe not as soon as I like, but it will come. I still live in this little one bedroom rented house and still sleep on the couch. I can afford more now, but I'm trying to save as much as I can. Plus, my landlords are he best. They mow my lawn, water and plant the garden, and fix up the house constantly. They even take my trash out every week! Where else will I get that?

Well that's my updates. I am going to really strive to update this blog all the time. There are so many blogs i enjoy to read, and i want to be able to express myself in a creative way like that. Until next time....

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